paper đŸ€ technology

I love beautiful paper products: stickers, stationery, journals, calendars, notebooks. It’s not just me, either! It’s a bit of a subculture.

It’s odd to me that the digital equivalents of “stationery,” like digital calendars, notes, etc, tend to be solely focused on productivity. Is a calendar’s purpose to maximize productivity? A paper calendar rarely lives such a boring existence.

Paper and computers should be friends! I don't think paper’s fate is to be digitized, and I don’t think technology is at odds with paper. I want to explore software that enhances one's ability to create, express, and connect with paper, and software that admires and respects paper as a valid surface.

I’m roughly planning to explore an idea every month and send an update on how it’s going via this newsletter!

If that sounds interesting to you

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Exploring software that loves paper as much as I do. I'll be documenting my learnings, loves, confusions and creations in this newsletter!
